
Book cover

This is my first attempt to make a fabric cover for a note book.

For a friend who likes yellows and blues....

All the material came from my bag of remnants..and picture underneath [summer flowers captured by me] is the one I used as a reference.


Happy birthday Jeanne !!

Once finished, I noticed that there are places which I could have done better or differently, but overall I am happy with the result.

This small crochet project is still in the experimenting stage....


Yard Sale finds !
I have been to lots of yard/garage sales this summer. These pretty things, I got at a church rummage sale recently.  I have already planned to make something out from the craft magazine.

Thank you for taking time to stop by,

Until next time,


  1. a lovely book cover and the crochet flowers will make a perfect book mark.
    I was thinking of you the other day as they are re running Keeping up appearances in the afternoon here and know you enjoyed it, oh I have chuckled so much re watching it, it seems even more amusing second time around.

  2. Love the book cover ... I like the sunflower pattern arrangement. What a lucky friend to receive such a pretty piece of work. I tried knitting some bookmarks, but found they were too bulky, and tried them with some very thin cotton which seemed to work a bit better. I've also taken a photo of some knitting, printed it off and laminated it with 'contact paper' from Staples. That way I have the image of the knitting, but the thinner paper bookmark, and I also make a little tassle-thingy with embroidery cotton to attach to the top! Wendy

    1. Thank you, Wendy for lovely comments. The crocheted flowers I could not put them together properly yet. I tried several times none came out well.
      Even at 'Walmart' yarn is expensive now a days. I too, am hoping I can create something special using thrifted yarn.
      - Gaia

  3. I love that little remnant quilt. I am keeping also every little bit of fabric. But this finally results in very little things which I am making. Thank you for stopping by to visit the soft village.

  4. That notebook cover came out just perfect! I am sure your friend would like it ;)
    The crochet bookmark is so beautiful, I like the tiny flowers which make it. Well done, Gaia!

  5. What a wonderful book cover you have made! Very nice too that you used your own photo as a reference. If I had more time I'd definitely make more books!



Some more of my water color work. I really enjoyed painting Golden Girls and I love Lucy.  I have watched both series so many times. Gol d e...

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